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Winchester Elementary

Winchester Elementary School is located in the 48168 zip code of Northville, Michigan. Winchester Elementary has been ranked the number one elementary school out of the six elementary schools in Northville. If you live near this school, you’ll be on the eastern side of Northville which is super close to the shopping and dining areas near Haggerty Road.

Winchester Elementary School is surrounded by some great suburban neighborhoods that feature parks and playgrounds.  It’s an inviting and charming community that isn’t too far from historic downtown Northville where there are always events taking place like art fairs and farmers markets.  Northville is a thriving community that boast attractive historic homes as well as newly-constructed homes that are all perfect for the growing family.

Facts about the Winchester Elementary:

• Winchester Elementary was ranked better than 96.5% of the elementary schools in Michigan.
• Winchester Elementary was also ranked 1st among the 6 elementary schools in Northville.
• There are 24 full-time teachers.
• The ratio between teachers to students is 19.9.
• In any given school year, there are approximately 500 students.
• School starts at 8:45am and dismisses at 3:45pm.

Facts about the Winchester Elementary District

Over 7,000 young residents in Northville attend the Northville School District which also includes a small portion of nearby Novi, Salem Township and Lyon Township.

There are:

• 6 Elementary Schools
• 2 Middle Schools
• 1 High School
-In 2011, Northville High School was ranked 227th in the entire country and 5th in the state of Michigan

School Information

Winchester Elementary School
16141 Winchester Dr.
Northville, MI 48168
Phone: 248-344-8415
Principal: Patricia Messing

Northville Public Schools
501 W. Main Street
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: 248-344-3500